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£9,999.00 inc. VAT

Price on request


Capturing the delightful chaos of a lavish dinner party, illustrator and cartoonist Zebedee Helm's table linens humorously give pride of place to the moments of dining we often go out of our way to hide. “I like the unexpected surprise of a mess made beautiful and immortal,” says Zebedee, "Making champions of those entirely overlooked yet indispensable participants in the feast." Inspired by the ancient Roman mosaic depicting the unswept detritus from a banquette, the Detritus Tablecloth features a scattering of food remnants, all hand-embroidered on Belgium linen.


Tablecloth: 147cm W x Variable L

Dinner napkins: 50cm x 50cm

Material: Belgium Linen

Please email for custom order options

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£9,999.00 inc. VAT


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Tablecloth: 147cm W x Variable L

Dinner napkins: 50cm x 50cm

Material: Belgium Linen

Please email for custom order options

Zebedee Helm

Zebedee Helm is a Lewes-based artist and writer most recognised for his irreverent cartoons and satirical illustrations featured in the FT, Private Eye, The Spectator and House & Garden, and for brands such as Fortnum & Mason, Hermès and The Row. Helm has also authored and illustrated children's guides Kit and Willy’s Guide to the Dogs of the World, Art and Buildings, and the best-selling book The Middle Class ABC.